PulsePoint Respond

PulsePoint Respond is a mobile app that alerts CPR-trained citizens to someone
nearby having a sudden cardiac arrest.
• The app is activated by the local public safety communications center
simultaneous with the dispatch of local fire and EMS resources.
• The purpose of the app is to increase the survival rates of cardiac arrest victims
Reducing collapse-to-CPR times by increasing citizen awareness of cardiac
arrest events beyond a traditional “witnessed” area.
Reducing collapse-to-defibrillation times by increasing awareness of public access defibrillator (AED)
locations through real-time mapping of nearby devices.
• The app is only activated if the event is occurring in a public place (the app is not typically activated for residential
• In addition to the life-saving CPR/AED functionality, the app provides a virtual window into fire and EMS activity in
the community, offering a unique opportunity for civic engagement.
• Learn more at www.PulsePoint.org.
Download the App at