Greenacres Mayor & City Council

The City of Greenacres has a Council-Manager form of Government that combines the strong political leadership of elected officials (Mayor and City Council) with the managerial experience of an appointed City Manager. The Mayor and five (5) City Council members serve as the legislative body of the City enacting legislation, setting policy, approving the budget, and comprehensive plan to guide the growth of the City.
The Mayor is elected at large for a four (4) year term (limited to three (3) consecutive terms) and serves as the key elected official presiding at Council meetings, facilitating communication between elected and appointed officials; assisting the Council in setting goals and advocating policy decisions. The Mayor does not vote on issues before the Council unless there is a tie vote. The Mayor also has the power to veto ordinances.
The five (5) Councilmembers are also elected by all City registered voters for staggered four (4) year terms (limited to three (3) consecutive terms) to represent the entire City. The Council appoints a City Manager to manage the day-to-day operations of the City, and implement Council policies. The Manager is responsible for preparing an annual budget, overseeing all City government operations including all personnel, and preparing policy proposals for the Council’s consideration.
The City Council also appoints a City Attorney to serve as the legal advisor to all departments relating to their official duties. The City Council meets the first and third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. City Council agendas can be viewed by clicking the link to the left.
Residents with requests for service or information, are encouraged to use the Citizen Request link on this page.