Public Records Request

Records Search:

  • To make a public records request from the City of Greenacres you may call or email our Records Coordinator at: (561) 642-2147 or

  •  Interested individuals may also fill out a Public Records Request Form. Per Florida Statutes Chapter 119, you are not required to provide a reason for your request or any identifying information. 

  • To request criminal justice records, please visit the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Cental Records.

  • To request personnel records, please email or call the Human Resources Division

  • Request for inspection of public records or review of specific records can be done without charge unless the nature or volume of the material requested to be inspected requires extensive clerical or supervisory assistance. If extensive assistance is necessary, there will be a service charge that must be paid before arrangements can be made to inspect records. A request for inspection of records can be made by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (561) 642-2147.

  • A service fee will be charged for any researching and copying of documents that extends beyond fifteen (15) minutes connected with fulfilling public records requests. Fees will be calculated in accordance with the following Schedule of Fees.


Schedule of Fees
Medium Type Document Size / Time Fee
Hard Copy Up to 11" x 17" $0.15 per page/one-sided
Hard Copy Up to 11" x 17" $0.20 per page/two-sided
Hard Copy - B&W Plans 24" x 36" $4.00 per page
Hard Copy - B&W Plans 36" x 42" $8.00 per page
Hard Copy - Color Plans 24" x 36" $40.00 per page
Hard Copy - Color Plans 36" x 42" $80.00 per page
Certification of Documents N/A $1.00 per page
USB N/A Actual cost of product
All other copies N/A Actual cost of duplication
Research and Retrieval Beyond 15 minutes Employee's labor cost