Building Division Permit Fees

Effective October 1, 2024
(Per Resolution 2024-46)

Application fee of $75 will be collected at time of submission. Convenience fee may be charged when paying with Credit Card.

For Construction Values Permit Fee Rate

$0 - $100,000 (Minimum Fee $75.00)

2.5 %

$100,001 - $300,000

Add 2%

All Values over $300,000

Add 1.25%

Sub Permit - With value included in total construction value and no independent review. 

(Sub permit fees requiring a separate review and/or where its construction value was not included in master permit will be charged according to the permit fee schedule)


Plan Review Fee Rate

Multi-Family residential structures or PUD Single Family Master Building 


New Const. Commercial or institutional structures up to 20,000 sq. ft. 


New Const. Commercial or institutional structures up 20,001 - 100,000 sq. ft. 


New Const. Commercial or institutional structures greater than 100,000 sq. ft. 


Remodel Commercial or institutional structures up to 20,000 sq. ft. 


Remodel Commercial or institutional structures up 20,001 - 100,000 sq. ft. 


Commercial or institutional structures greater than 100,000 sq. ft. 


Penalty Permit Fees Fee Rate

Work without a permit +

1st time offense

2nd time offense

3rd or more time offense

4X permit fee




No fee Sub-Contractor work without a permit 


Re-Inspection Fees Fee Rate

1st Re-Inspection 


2nd Re-Inspection (Same Type) 


3rd & Subsequent Re-inspection (Same Type) 


Unsafe / Unsanitary Penalty (Per Occurrence) 


Fees for changes after initial plan review Fee Rate

Revisions after initial plan review

a. 1st page

b. Each Additional page

(Additional charges may apply for revisions that result in an increase of the original job valuation)



Change of contractor after permit issuance

a. Primary Permit

b. Sub-Contractor



Address correction to incorrect address in permits applied for under wrong address

a. Primary Permit

b. Sub-Permit



Other Fees Fee Rate

Permit extension before permit expires (max 2):

a. 1st Extension (90 days)

b. 2nd Extension (90 days)



Renewal of expired permits:

a. If one year or less

b. If over one year

(May be subject to submit new plans to meet current code)




of permit fee

Temporary certificate of occupancy - Commercial


Temporary certificate of occupancy - Residential


Renewal of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Commercial (60 days)


Renewal Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential (60 days)


Duplicate of original Certificate of Occupancy


Duplicate permit card with list of passed inspections


Re-stamp of plans

$25 + $5 per page

Appeal of the Building Official's determination to the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals


Local product approval fee


Inspections requested not related to an active permit


After hours inspections:

 2 hour minimum weekdays

 4 hour minimum weekends and holidays 

$60 per hr

Certificate of Completion for permits with construction value of less than $5000.00


Stocking or Training Certificate


FPL Electric Service Verification


Right of Way Permit

2% of valuation

$75 minimum

Scanning Fees up to 11x17

a. 1st page

b. Each additional page


Larger Scale Scanning fee > 11x17

a. 1st page
b. Each additional page







Temporary Use Permits Fee Rate

Banners / Signs / Ballons


Human Signs / Living Signs


Outdoor Events


City Sponsored / Related Events

No Fee



Trailers (Construction/Sales Office)


Temporary Tenant Identification Sign 

No Fee

Additional fees may be assessed by other City and State agencies.