Comprehensive Plan

The City of Greenacres' Comprehensive Plan serves as a guide for the future development of the City by establishing 12 directives to include goals, objectives, and policies for each directive. An important component of the comprehensive plan is the City's' future land use map which assigns parcels one (1) of the following eight (8) land use designations. Directives in the comprehensive plan indicate the general characteristics of the development allowed in each of these land use designations.

  • RS-LD – Residential Low Density
  • RS-MD – Residential Medium Density
  • RS-HD – Residential High Density
  • CM – Commercial
  • PI – Public/Institutional
  • RO  Recreation/Open Space
  • MU  Mixed Use
  • U – Utility/Transportation

The directives summarized below establish a framework for development-related regulatory, administrative, and financial activities of the City. The established directives are based on data analysis and comments from a variety of sources; and have been reviewed by state and regional agencies to help ensure compliance with state requirements.

  1. Future Land Use Element:  The purpose of the Future Land Use Element is to ensure that the character and location of land uses is efficient, incorporates best management practices and principles of resource conservation and compact development, promotes orderly land use transitions and human-scaled growth, and minimizes threats to health, safety, and welfare that may be associated with incompatible land uses, environmental degradation, hazards, and nuisances. Another purpose of this element is to maintain and manage the Future Land Use Map which reflects City policy for managing the allocation of Future Land Use.  The Future Land Use Element also specifies the continuation to monitor and evaluate development and resource conservation within the City pursuant to the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and carry out an effective implementation program.
  2. Transportation Element:  The purpose of the Transportation Element is to plan and provide for a safe, convenient, and energy efficient multimodal transportation system that includes enhanced facilities for walking, bicycling, transit, vehicular travel, and roadways to provide a safe, efficient movement of people, goods, and services within and through the City at a reasonable cost with minimal detriment to the environment. This system corresponds to and supports the City's vision for its future by addressing livability, economic, and environmental community needs.
  3. Housing Element:  The purpose of the Housing Element is to ensure that safe, decent, sanitary, quality, and affordable housing for all income levels is made available to the present and future segments of the City's population. The goals, objectives, and policies of the Housing Element are to allocate land area for accommodating a supply of housing responsive to the diverse housing needs of the existing and projected future city population. The Housing Element also assists the private sector in providing affordable quality housing for all income levels in neighborhoods protected from incompatible uses located in proximity to employment and commercial services served by adequate public facilities.
  4. Utilities Element:  The goals, objectives, and policies of the Utilities Element is to provide for the highest quality public facilities, which are properly coordinated with desired land use patterns, which promote orderly, urban growth, to meet the demands of services in an efficient, economically feasible, and environmentally sustainable manner that are consistent with the existing and projected needs of the City. 
  5. Conservation Element:  The intent of this element is to conserve, protect and appropriately manage the natural resources within the limits of the City.  This conservation effort enhances the quality of natural systems as well as associated floodplains, wetlands, flora and fauna, the surface and Floridian aquifer, and other natural resources. 
  6. Recreation and Open Space Element:  The intent of the Recreation and Open Space is to ensure the development and maintenance of a comprehensive system of recreation facilities and open space sites that meet the needs of existing and projected user groups within the City. The intent of recreation and open spaces within the City are to provide for a myriad of recreational opportunities that are cost effective and efficient to develop, preserve and maintain. These spaces augment the natural environment; incorporates aesthetic as an essential component of park and facility design; and produce a sense of place and community for City residents and adjacent users.
  7. Capital Improvement: This element establishes that the City shall undertake actions necessary to adequately provide needed public facilities within the City's jurisdiction in a manner which protects investments and existing facilities, maximizes the use of existing facilities, and promotes orderly compact growth.
  8. Intergovernmental Coordination Element: The City shall coordinate cooperative efforts with governmental entities and private utilities to enhance quality of life, coordinate development activities, growth management, and efficient resource use and conservation.
  9. Annexation Element: The intent of this element is to establish a proper planning approach that enables the City to control its growth and enhance the quality of life for present and future residents. The Annexation Element establishes an annexation program that emphasizes intergovernmental coordination, consistency, and provides for the balance of environmental, economic, and social needs of the City.
  10. Property Rights Element: The intent of this element it to acknowledge the Florida Constitution and its protection of private property rights and ensure that private property rights are considered in local decision-making.
  11. Healthy Communities Element: The goals, objectives, and policies of the Healthy Communities Element is to improve the quality of life for all residents by providing an environment for active living, recreational opportunities, and improved resident health.
  12. Economic Development Element:  The intent of the Economic Development Element is to achieve a balanced, diversified, and sustainable economic structure that maximizes long-term economic growth.