Development Applications Descriptions

The Development and Neighborhood Services Planning, Engineering and GIS Division is responsible for the coordination of most development petitions required by the Code of Ordinance together with the bodies that review and approve them.  Below is a listing of Development Review applications and their associated review schedules and review fees. 

Before submittal, it is strongly recommended anyone considering one or more of the following requests schedule an appointment to meet with Development and Neighborhood Services staff, who can assist you in beginning the Development Review process. Please note that most development applications have mandatory pre-application meetings.  To request a pre-application meeting, please use the Pre-Application Form.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The City Council updated the Development Review fees.  Starting on December 14, 2021, all new submittals are subject to paying the updated fee(s).  

Annexation Review

A request to voluntarily annex property to be located within the City 

Land Use Plan Amendment Review

An amendment to adjust the long-range plan for the desirable use of land in the City.

  • Small Scale Land Use Plan Amendment:  For property that is less than fifty (50) acres in size.  ​
  • Large Scale Land Use Plan Amendment:  For property that is greater than fifty (50) acres in size.
  • Land Use Plan Amendment (Text):  Amend the Comprehensive Plan by creating or updating existing Mixed Use land use text.

Zoning Map Amendment

An amendment to the zoning map which changes the zoning district applied to a site or area to another zoning district.

  • Zoning Map Amendment: A form of zoning classification that has specific uses and lot characteristics.
Special Exception Review

A use, that because of special requirements or characteristics, may be allowed in a particular zoning district only after review by the Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals and granting of special exception approval imposing such conditions as necessary to make the use compatible with other uses permitted in the same zone or vicinity.

  • Special Exception Use:  A request that does not involve any improvements to the subject property.
  • Special Exception Use with Site Plan:  A request that includes a site plan for infrastructure improvements to the subject property.
Site Plan Review

A request that identifies how a multi-family or non-residential project will be constructed.

  • Minor Site Plan:  Amendment plan that modifies an existing site by minor adjustments as listed in the Code of Ordinances.
  • Major Site Plan:  A plan that modifies an existing site which is not defined as a Minor Site Plan Amendment.
  • Site Plan:  An engineered plan identifying how the property will be built.
Subdivision Review

A plan showing the proposed development of a tract of land for which platting, and dedication of ownership is to be carried out.

  • Preliminary Plat:  A subdivision of land in which 4 or more lots are created and subdivision improvements are to be constructed.
  • Final Plat:  A subdivision of land in which 3 lots or less are created and no subdivision improvements are to be constructed.
  • Lot Combination Agreement (Single Family Residential Property Only):  A combination of 3 or less existing lots of record and has a total area of less than 1 acre in size.
Temporary Use Review

Temporary outdoor events which are intended or likely to attract large crowds and are unlike the usual activities generally associated with the normal business practices of the site.

  • Special Event with Sales:  Event such as but not limited to circuses, fairs, carnivals, festivals, trade or product shows, concerts, contests, where sales are conducted.
  • Special Event without Sales:  Similar events where sales are not conducted.
  • Special Event Involving Street Closure (with or without sales):  Events such as but not limited to street parties, parades, festivals, road races that would close down a street.
Vacate/Abandon The termination of an easement or right-of-way.
  • Vacate/Abandon of Easement:  Request to abandon an easement on an existing property.
  • Vacate/Abandon of Right-of-Way:  Request to abandon an existing right-of-way.
Variance Review

A grant of relief from various sections of the Code of Ordinance which permits construction in a manner otherwise prohibited where specific enforcement would result in unnecessary hardship.


Other Planning Applications

The following applications are not part of the Development Review process but are reviewed by the Development and Neighborhood Services Department for compliance.

  • Alcohol License Zoning Approval Requests:  Separate from state regulations, City zoning approval is required to sell alcohol in package or for consumption on premises.
  • Zoning Verification Letter: A requested letter which informs property owners, lenders and prospective buyers of zoning laws related to the particular property.


For questions or to obtain more information regarding zoning districts and applications, please contact the Development and Neighborhood Services Planning Division at (561) 642-2054 or