Comprehensive Plan Amendment Update

We need YOUR help to shape the future of Greenacres!

The City is working with the Greenacres community to update our Comprehensive Plan over the next 12-18 months.  The plan provides long-range planning and policy direction for the next twenty (20) years for Greenacres.  This plan will guide land use, development, economic development, land preservation, parks and recreation, transportation, public facilities, housing, community health, and annexation.

The last major update to the plan occurred in 2016.  The current update will re-organize the plan around a few broad focus areas and shift to a user-friendly format easily accessible online.

If you are interested in collaborating in the process, please let us know!

The City of Greenacres has begun the process to update its Comprehensive Plan. To conduct this update, the City has hired consulting firms to prepare the draft for consideration by the City Council. The update process includes:

  • Analysis. The City of Greenacres has a large number of adopted documents and agreements that the Comprehensive Plan Update Team will review. The Team will utilize this information to maintain consistency with work that the city has completed. 
  • Meetings with stakeholders. As part of the process, the Comprehensive Plan Team met with staff from the County Planning Department, the Transportation Planning Organization, the School District, and most of the department heads for the City of Greenacres. and the Mayor, Vice Mayor and all of the Council Members. 
  • Review by City Council and City Boards.  The Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustments has reviewed proposed updated Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and polices over the last six months.  The City Council will be holding Workshops after the first of the year.
  • A public participation opportunity. Over the course of the next few months there will be opportunities for residents and business owners of Greenacres to provide feedback regarding the content of the Comprehensive Plan. Community meetings have been scheduled for October 26th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and October 29th from 10:00am to 11:30am.
  • Development of the goals, objectives and policies. The analysis and input will result in the creation of recommended goals, objectives and policies. These will be devised to implement the vision of the City of Greenacres. 
  • Council adoption of the Plan. The Comprehensive Plan Team will present the proposed updated Comprehensive Plan to the City Council for input and eventual approval.
  • State Review. The Comprehensive Plan update will be submitted to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and other reviewing state agencies such as the Department of Transportation, for review against significant state issues and/or conditions.

Once the plan has been reviewed by the state agencies and subsequently adopted by City Council, the updated Comprehensive Plan will be implemented in the City of Greenacres.  The next step in the process will be to ensure the Land Development Regulations are consistent and implement the Comprehensive Plan. 

As of June 2022, the following has been accomplished:

  1. A presentation of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process was made to the Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals and the City Council.  (See Comprehensive Plan Update PDF)
  2. The City is in the process of hiring a consultant to assist with the completion of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process.  Am RFP has been issued and the consultant should be approved by the City Council in July or August 2022.
  3. A Stakeholders Workshop was held on June 22, 2022 on the Recreation and Open Space Element.  (Click here for recording)
  4. The Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed and discussed the following Elements, Goals, Objectives, and Policies
    1. Intergovernmental
    2. Annexation
    3. Conservation
    4. Capital Improvements

As of August 2022, the following has been accomplished:

  1. A presentation of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process was made to the Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals and the City Council. (See Comprehensive Plan Update PDF)
  2. The City is in the process of hiring a consultant to assist with the completion of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process.  Am RFP has been issued and the consultant should be approved by the City Council in July or August 2022.
  3. A Stakeholders Workshop was held on June 22, 2022, on the Recreation and Open Space Element. (Click here for recording)
  4. A Stakeholders Workshop was held on June 29, 2022, on the Transportation Element. (Click here for recording)
  5. The Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed and discussed the following Elements, Goals, Objectives, and Policies
    1. Intergovernmental Coordination
    2. Annexation
    3. Conservation
    4. Capital Improvements
    5. Community Health
    6. Recreation and Open Space

As of September 2022, the following has been accomplished:

  1. An update of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process was made to the City Council. (See Comprehensive Plan Update Powerpoint Presentation)
  2. The City hired three consulting firms to assist with the completion of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process.
  3. Notification of two community meetings (October 26th and 29th) were posted and advertised.
  4. Emails were sent to HOAs within the City asking for their assistance in advertising the City's survey which is available on the City's webpage.

As of October 2022, the following has been accomplished:

  1. Two community meetings were held (October 26th and 29th).  (Click here to view recordings)
  2. Emails were sent to Shopping Center owners and/or managers within the City asking for their assistance in advertising the City’s survey which is available on the City’s webpage and advising them of the Community Meetings.